1. Convenient and easy accessibility
Access conveniently to create and edit your documents anywhere through your computer or any mobile devices with your browser
4. Secured and safe
Files are encrypted in the system and regular anti-virus check to increase security of your personal space
2. Manage your files
GoDM can centralize all your documents and medias and manage easily by sorting your folders. The files will be saved in the system permanently
5. Collaboration with others
Use file annotation, edit, file version control to synchronise files in the system to increase efficiency with colleagues
3. Support various file types
Support diverse types of documents such as Words, PowerPoint, image, videos and even apps
5. Thorough file search
Simple and straightforward file search in the system to locate your files
A personal space just for you.
Efficient and easy to use document management system to centralize all your important files.
Use anywhere to save and edit all your files. A cloud space you can trust.
About GoDM
GoDM is a system you can rely on to store your files securely and with other great features: