Qn.: What is GoPlanets?
Ans.: GoPlanets is a series of top-tier technological solutions we provide to aid your business. Every solution is just like a planet in the vast universe, unique and appealing, and most importantly for you to explore and discover if it is suitable for your business in the long run
Qn.: Why GoPlanets?
Ans.: GoPlanets specializes in digitalizing and automating your manual and monotonous work in to something faster and simpler. We have different solutions to tackle your problems and we have a strong and helpful team to assist you along the way.
Qn: What are the types of services provided?
Ans: We provide 2 types of services, which are package based and project based.
Package Based: Choose the suitable solutions and plans for your organization
Project Based: Contact us to let us know about your requirements and scope to further explore what could be done
Qn.: How much does GoPlanets cost?
Ans.: You can choose a plan that suits your business size and category. However, we provide project-based solutions and it will be set according to the scope of the project
Qn.: Are there any graphical constraint in using GoPlanets?
Ans.: You can use GoPlanets anywhere anytime
Qn.: How to get more information?
Ans.: You can connect with us through many channels. You can fill in the form from <Contact Us> with you information or call us +852 35231251 or email us [email protected]
Qn: How to confirm the registration?
Ans: After filling the registration form, we will contact you via phone or email to confirm your registration. We will arrange a short call to understand about your requirements and scope of work
Qn: Is there any technical support?
Ans: The system will update automatically with newest patches and functions. Our technical team will also provide local technical support services to our clients. You can contact us via email and phone if you are facing any issues
Qn: Will there be training provided?
Ans: Workshops, tutorial materials and videos will be provided for each solution you purchase
Qn: After I purchased a package, will I be able to acquire additional solutions to add-on to my current plan?
Ans: You can at anytime acquire additional solutions to enhance your current plan and organization performance